Friday, January 26, 2007

domino effect.

okay, i know everyone says that once your first friend gets engaged, many others will soon follow suit. i didn't realize that it would be in one fell swoop in a little over a month! i kid you not, since thanksgiving, i have heard of at least six people who have gotten engaged, and that doesn't include [spoiler alert] the two proposals on grey's anatomy tonight. i know three of these people personally, and the other three are friends of friends. btw, i found out about my cousin's engagement on myspace, when i logged onto her page full of "congrats soon-to-be mrs. v----!" [ominous music] it has begun... btw, my money's on wolka by the end of the year... if only because he said over dinner that i would be an impulse bride in 2007. me, impulsive? does he not know me at all?

so... while we're on the topic, can i confess something? i... am... not... so... into... shiny... sparkly... overpriced... tetrahedrally bonded carbon atoms. and while the whole issue of blood diamonds provides a socially acceptable reason for shunning bling, the real reason is i don't find anything very appealing or exciting about compressed coal. on the rare occasion that i walk into a jewelry store (which i am forced to do every now and then because my mom and sister are diamond maniacs) i will ooh and ahh for five minutes (more perfunctory than anything else) and then sulk in a corner, bored to death. i just don't get it. can someone who really appreciates cut, clarity, carat, and color please explain?


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