Monday, December 18, 2006

poor man's tolkien.

squeeze me? did i really just hear eragon being described as "the greatest movie event of the year..." someone is on drugs. and that someone is making movie trailers. did he even see the movie? the whole thing is one big fat rip off of lord of the rings. i mean, c'mon... aragorn? eragon? and what wasn't stolen from mr. tolkien was the cheesiest drivel ever: "a wise man once said, one part brave, three parts fool?" gag me. i spent the whole time rolling my eyes at paul.

then i came home and started reading about mr. paolini and his so-called fantasy genius... just because he's 15 does not mean he's not a plagiarist. nor does it mean that he's a protegy. derivative my ass... the entire story was lord-of-the-rings-lite, with a dash of star wars. what appalls me is that no one, at any point during the screenwriting, production, filming, and editing stopped the presses and said: "wow, isn't this eerily like lord of the rings?" that would have been a good time to pull the plug. and how did rachel weisz and jeremy irons and john malkovich end up starring in this piece of crap film? what a low-point...

my only consolation was that i got to expend some much needed energy ranting about the ridiculousness that is this film. if you want to see it, wait until it comes to dvd.

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Blogger jonathan said...

Empathetic relationship between person and dragonrider?
He's "borrowing" heavily from the great Anne McCaffrey as well.

Hey, more power to the teen for his success!

As E.B. White said, "Good poets borrow, great poets steal." (Do I have that quote right? I think so...It captures his sentiment anyway)

11:26 PM  

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