Thursday, December 14, 2006


if i've seem cranky lately, and maybe a wee bit absent from the blogsophere, blame my 30-page paper that isn't writing itself. though, now, it is moving along slowly but surely, at a rate of one-page per day. i'm up to 12 pages now, with the hope that i'm nearing some sort of tipping point, and i'll suddenly write the rest of it in one afternoon, and go out for beers afterwards. hah. we'll see.

here are a few things that are getting me through life:
*yesterday, the woman who usually gives me a hard time about my addiction to cupcakes (i know she loves me) gave me a cupcake for free. life is about these simple joys.
*i am counting down the days to whistler, our first north american family vacation in ages. i'm thrilled because i've never been to whistler, i haven't been snowboarding in forever (and only then, it was some snowed over trash dump in michigan), and because i don't have to dread an 18-hour flight across the pacific the minute my finals are over.
*yippee! i just found out on saturday that i got a $300 scholarship to attend the group relations conference in january out in boston.
*paul is coming into town for a quick trip this weekend. this means i have an excuse to venture out of the upper west side. i haven't left the uws since thanksgiving. i kid you not. it's really tragic.


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