Monday, May 08, 2006

if you were a liquor, what liquor would you be?

a question posed by elie last night.

leena is a gin/tequila.
elie is a scotch/sambuca.
todd is hennessy.

and i am "the best beer you ever had." why? because i'm perfect for lazy afternoons, vegging in front of the tv, yet i'm versatile enough for a wild night on the town or a chill evening hanging out in a pub.

(i would like to confess that these days, i'm drinking raspberry cosmos... mainly because raspberries are in season, not because i imagine myself to be carrie bradshaw or anything)


finished dry this morning after lunch. reading burroughs has made it painfully clear how crappy a million little pieces was/is. i'm sorry oprah, but frey's stream of consciousness ramblings were melodramatic and trite and pretentious. burroughs can write in complete and coherent sentences and evoke regret/laughter/shame/desire with his acerbic wit and brutal honesty. he makes his addiction relatable and accessible to his readers. frey's account was unbelievable, even before i found out it was bullsh*t. (sorry, i'm bitter i spent two weeks trying to get through this book over christmas break).

as per priya's recommendation, i am now reading white teeth, though, i have to say, fiction is not on my palate right now. i'll give it a couple of chapters.


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