Thursday, May 04, 2006

summer has arrived.

it's an incredible feeling, after about three weeks of studying and sobriety, to bunker down on my couch and enjoy the hefeweisen and the y.b. that i've been saving for the occasion that i no longer have to stress out. although, i have to admit, with the exception of my group paper (and who could not be stressed out writing a group paper?) i did a good job of managing my workload. and, i totally rocked the final yesterday. coruzzi's exams are open book, but you pretty much need to be able to write the exam closed book because there are so many questions, and no time to be flipping through the text/notes/slides. i love how i always figure out how to study for a class right around the last exam. anyways, for all intents and purposes, i'm pretty much done with the semester, and i'll be guiltlessly lazing about for the next few days!


my motto for the summer is to accept any and all invitations to hang out, to make up for my anti-social behavior over the last month. so, i've got an awesome week lined up:

tonight: hanging at the orley gallery with etan.
friday: drinks with kim and callum/les with caroline and matt (this is the night i'm "the single friend" hah.)
saturday: dinner/drinks/debauchery with the lse crew
sunday: tbd.
monday: concert with jenny?
tuesday: happy birthday carl!
wednesday: pinback concert with cameron/kim/jenny/alexis (alexis just sent me their album so i can become a number one fan in one week)


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