Monday, May 01, 2006

study break.

is it weird that i know the name of all the vizlas in my neighborhood? yogi, tallulah, and madison. and by the way, paul, i found out today that tyler is a pointer mix, who happens to look like a black vizla.


i know my devoted readership (paul) has been fiending some serious dish. cheekiness has been put on hold for now, but going forward after wednesday's exam might provide some great material for this blog. slo-mo will be in town for her brother's engagement (wow!) so we'll be hitting the town on wednesday evening, thursday i've got a soiree to attend at mr. orley's gallery in chelsea (how fancy does that sound?), and friday, caroline's boyfriend's birthday in the les (and she's back in the game!). yes, folks, things are looking up.


so, in thinking about all this cheekiness that i have planned for the summer, i decided to set up exclusive and protected postings for all those who want to be privy to the juicy details of my life. of course, this is all wishful thinking that my shizz will be too hot to print. haha. god, i'm funny. in any case, holla if you want to be included... there are only ten spots... and you have to have a xanga name. (paul, alex, and slo-mo, you're on it already). details to follow.


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