Friday, May 05, 2006

cinco de mayo.

i just returned from a five hour jaunt around manhattan, and i'm pretty beat. i am currently obsessed with finding an appropriate walking sandal... something that doesn't look too orthopedic, but is comfortable and functional for the many miles i trek everyday. alas, my search has proven futile, and i've resorted to wearing converse allstars that i bought yesterday, which make me feel kind of clownish. sigh. i hate shopping.


i got my haircut, finally. while i was waffling for awhile about getting something dramatic, i chickened out at the last minute and settled for more layers and a two-inch trim. you will probably not even notice, but be sure to complement it anyways, next time we see each other.


last night, i hung out with ethan at his father's gallery opening. met some wonderful ladies from michigan.

i'm reading augusten burroughs "dry" right now, inspired by a conversation i had with blobel when he was visiting. i had actually given up memoirs for awhile, since trudging through "a million little pieces" in december and absolutely hating it (even before he turned out to be a fraud), but blobel is such an burroughs enthusiast that i picked it up and have been enjoying it, though i think it will have to be the last "recovery" book i read for awhile.

priya, i picked up white teeth at the strand yesterday, and i promise, its next on my list.


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