my apartment is falling apart... first the bathroom. then the kitchen. now the pipe behind my tv next to my window is leaking! my god, i wouldn't be entirely surprised if the entire ceiling just came down on me next week. the greatest tragedy of all is that i am without intertwang at my house because the leak damaged the cable modem box! argh. so i'm sitting at a starbucks sniffling and trying to get all my emailing needs taken care of in one fell swoop.
ps. mark, don't tell mom and dad.... they're bound to flip out and make me move and i don't have the time or resources to apartment hunt right now. *grumble grumble*
ps. mark, don't tell mom and dad.... they're bound to flip out and make me move and i don't have the time or resources to apartment hunt right now. *grumble grumble*
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