Tuesday, October 17, 2006

rules of order (a work in progress)

robert created his rules of order to make sense of parliamentary chaos. my rules make sense of the chaotic world of men. while inspired to some extent by the book, "he's just not that into you," these policies have really emerged from the bitterness of experience. just kidding. sort of.

above-the-fold-dating (or "how to date in the age of the internet") romance isn't dead, its just now transmitted in html code. as if human interaction isn't coded enough! i'm not talking about online dating. i'm talking about talking about dating online. i'm not that old-fashioned, but if you have my number, it would be nice if you called and took the risk of voice-on-voice contact instead of passively emailing me about friday night. in any case, since this is what you're doing, here's what i call dating "above-the-fold." as long as your email in my inbox remains within the frame of my firefox window (i.e. i don't have to use the scroll bar to see when you last emailed me) that's okay. but as soon as you're below the fold, you're in the red. sorry, charlie.

rule of threes this one is adopted from milan kundera's book, "the unbearable lightness of being," but revised somewhat, since the original version was concocted by tomas to prevent him from getting too serious with a woman. my version prevents me from getting too serious with a man who isn't serious about getting serious with me. the rule of threes is designed to thwart you men out there who think that as long as you shower me with affection and take me out to dinner, we can hook up and you can never really commit (i.e. have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too-syndrome). i'm on to you. once can be a fluke (read: drunken fortuity). and lightning can strike twice. but after three times decisions need to be made because i'm biologically wired to become attached. and, believe me, if i've seen you three times, chances are i already am.

that's all i got for now. but, i'm sure there will be more. cheers!


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