Monday, May 08, 2006

small wins.

i'm a prolific list-maker, and i derive immense pleasure from crossing things off. will be updated regularly through april.

semester deliverables:

psych aspects: annotated bibliography, 10-page paper on semco
org dynamics: 15-20 page paper on accenture, final exam
group dynamics: 8-page paper on intergroup dynamics, 5-7 page paper on projective identification, conference, 3-page paper on conference
adv functions: business plan, powerpoint, business law exam, stock portfolio
startingbloc: memo, conference
critical thinking/critical theory: 5-page paper

(shout out to kotter)

update: it really steams my clams that i am about 80% done with the paper on intergroup dynamics, 95% done with the annotated bibliography, and 60% done with the paper on semco and all i want to do is get that shizz crossed off my list.

its going to happen this weekend. if not tonight.

update: school is officially over for the semester!


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