Wednesday, May 31, 2006


i revisited my summer fitness goals this week and found that, with the exception of rock climbing and touching my toes, i was well on my way to accomplishing all of them (don't forget to mention how fine my delts are looking these days). unfortunately, finding an affordable climbing wall in the city may be a problem this summer, but i have no excuse for not being able to touch my toes. i'm a good 9 inches away. during one of my many trips to my local cupcake joint, i passed a sign for a yoga studio and absently picked up a flyer, which has been sitting on my couch for the last two weeks. this morning i woke up with resolve that i would finally take a look at the schedule and march myself past the bakery to the studio for a class with catherine. i felt so amazing for an hour and a half that as soon as class was over, i promptly signed up for ten more sessions; i mean, who doesn't enjoy an activity in which you don't have to stretch before or after, and it ends with a short little nap in the dark?


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