Saturday, May 20, 2006

bright lights, small city.

now that i've detoxed, one of the details i remember from last night was that i found out i am randomly connected to this guy named rob, one of adil's friends, via at least three people. first, i know him through adil. second, it turns out, that i work with his best friend at innovest. third, i happen to be a part of a group at tc, of which his other very good friend was president. these coincidences blow my mind. especially since this particular coincidence nips at the heels of another bizarre incident. i was walking home through central park a couple of days ago when i came upon a procession of people in suits. when something as dramatic as that is occuring, my curiousity gets the best of me and a joined them, like a lemming. it occurred to me, as i marched with everyone else that 1) i was the only one not in a suit and 2) i might be egregiously disrespectful if this happened to be a funeral procession or something. i turned to the woman next to me and politely asked what was going on. i don't even remember her response because as she told me, i was struck by the fact that i knew her. so i said: "i know you from somewhere. have we met before?" as these words left my lips, my mind yelped, "good lord, it sounds like you are picking her up!" which is exactly the thought i saw cross her mind, as she furrowed her brow, quickly said "no, i don't know you," and shifted ever so slightly away from me. (god, i felt a great sympathy for men at that very moment). i can't blame her. as normal as i looked, there are plenty of crazies disguised as regular people in new york city.

but, i had to know! my brain began to itch as i frantically searched through my life. michigan? do i know you from michigan? no, i've never been to michigan. she was getting really weirded out, i could tell. she was also pregnant, so i'm sure she was thinking: "i have to protect my unborn child from this psycho!" so, i said, frustrated but resigned, "okay, well, got to go." i crossed to the other side of the street, and stood there thinking about where i would have met this woman. i closed my eyes, and tried to envision her very distinct and succinct voice. then i remembered... and looked back over to the other side of the street. i could still catch up with her! dodging traffic, petty cabs, and runners, i sprinted back to the procession, saw her brief look of fear, before i panted: "we took a class together at tc with patrick and greg! organizational psychology" whew... even she looked relieved. we reminisced briefly about class, confirmed that i was not crazy, and then went our separate ways.

as i once wrote in an email, milan kundera once said: "chance and chance alone has a message for us." i'm not sure what that message is, but i bet there's a big man in the sky saying, "man, i'm just messin' with you!"


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