Tuesday, May 16, 2006

conquer the white space

just as i expected, i've been feeling really tense about posting on this blog... self-inflicted pressure to write something truly inspired, i guess. so, i'm employing a mantra i once used in high school to get over my writer's block/blogging anxiety: "conquer the white space." my english professor advised me to start my papers with this statement in big, bold, block letters to remind me to "just get over it." and also to preemptively mar the pristine white screen which i, myself, was afraid of desecrating with my potentially imperfect sentences. "if its not perfect to start out with," she reasoned, "you don't have to worry about being imperfect."

(since i've moved to blogger, i've admitted my geekiness, my anal-retentiveness, and my writer's block. god knows what i'm going to spill next... hopefully it'll be juicier than "i like to play with html.")


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