Friday, May 12, 2006

google reader

on the sidebar to the right, if you scroll down a ways, you'll see my new favorite toy, the google reader, which is an amazing piece of blogging machinery introduced to me by bo dirty. on separate site, if i understand this correctly, i have a reader which collects posts from a variety of feeds i have chosen, then aggregates them so i simply have to log-in and scroll through a bunch of links tailored to my interests. when i read one i like, i star it and--voila!--it gets sent to my blog so that i can share what i've been reading with friends. so poke your head down there every now and then, and check out my online literatura.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sweet, you actually put it on your site! And, you understand how it works. I guess I didn't do so bad!

7:54 PM  
Blogger cheeky monkey said...

like i told you last night, i'm a closet geek. just like you.

1:58 AM  

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