Sunday, May 21, 2006

end of an era.

it is absolutely fitting that i dedicate my 100th post to adil, who leaves today for tajikistan. (i miss you already!!!)

over the last seven months, adil has been single-handedly responsible for organizing lse's most debaucherous evenings, starting with the infamous catholic school detention halloween party, and ending, on friday, with a bottle of absinthe. whatever the occasion, he brings people together and entertains with fervor. i'm sure everyone who knows him can attest to his genuineness, his love of life's pleasures, and his hearty laugh... which makes him wonderful company whether it be at a local brewpub, a swanky club, or an evening watching the superbowl. the bottom line is that he knows how to have a good time, and it's infectious.

it is widely accepted that, starting tomorrow, new york is not going to be the same. but, in a month or two, tajikistan will be a lot more fun. lucky bastards. safe travels, adil, and i can't wait to read all about it in your forthcoming blog! xoxo, baby, and hurry back. lse fo' eva. fo' eva eva.


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