Tuesday, April 11, 2006


it's amazing how empty and cavernous a studio apartment can seem after a weekend of guests. at moments like these, i consider trading in my private nudist colony for a two-bedroom apartment and a roommate. there are plans for a 709 franchise in manhattan, come fall 2007... though there are conflicting opinions about whether we'll be uptown or downtown. and whether it will be clothing-optional. tbd.


rebecca granted me permission to talk a little bit about her work, here. i really like the foundation of her art, because i know her so well and i see how her pieces really speak about her experience and philosophy. she is very enamored with the idea of rebirth and regeneration, particularly in terms of the female experience and sexuality; a lot of her work is very organic and cellular-looking--and dare i say, sometimes a little *ahem* yonic--which i just learned is the opposite of phallic. her most recent works involve using industrial materials like steel and cross-bars to construct objects such as flowers and vases, to express how feminity can be strong, yet delicate at the same time. i'll try and find a pic of some of my favorite pieces, and post them here.

posting will be light through april. i will be pulling the "grad student in finals" card. you should all know that i've been praying for rain so as not to be distracted from my work. i have an ambitious week ahead, involving about 25+ pages of writing. egads. i started running again, which is keeping me sane.


it turns out that it's quite cathartic to post on my blog whilst in the middle of finals.


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