Sunday, April 02, 2006


i'm really cranky.

it usually takes me twenty minutes to get from my apartment to campus. today it took an hour. i jumped on the 3 train at 86th, thinking that it was the 3 running on the 1 line. nope, it was a 3 on the 1 line only until 96th, where it reverted back to the 3 line and dropped me off at 110th and central park north. no bus, no taxi in sight and, against my better judgement, i had decided to wait until i got to tc to go to the bathroom. i walked to broadway to catch the bus up to columbia. did you know that the bus doesn't stop at your stop unless you hit "stop-requested?" well, i was not aware of that. i walked an extra two blocks, which is a lot considering my bladder was about to explode and i had already been wandering around morningside heights for 45 minutes.

now i'm at the computer lab, and proquest is being obstinate and i'm becoming belligerent.


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