Sunday, April 02, 2006

pro cra sti nat ing

has that newsstand/kiosk always been on the northeast corner of 86th and columbus? how come i never noticed it before, and why am i so freakin' excited that i've discovered it?

trees are blooming on my street, which looks totally different now that all the scaffolding is gone. IMHO, it is now one of the cutest blocks in manhattan.

i'm sitting across from elie at a starbucks and we are proving to each other why we must both study alone, locked away in our apartments, and not out in public, together.

what is supposed to be a 5-page paper on projective identification has come to a dead halt at exactly four pages... f*ck.

i have mixed feelings about the shot of rumplemints todd made us take last night. it was like swallowing listerine, but i appreciated being minty-fresh afterwards.


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