Wednesday, March 29, 2006


(repost from friendster blog)

for the second time in two weeks, my attempt to go climbing has been foiled. ethan and i headed over to chelsea piers today to check out their wall (which is significantly tiny compared to the rock in a2) and with hopes of getting a belay refresher and some climbs in. instead, we got a tour and a sales pitch. i have to admit, the facilities are amazing, and i'm especially tempted by the list of yoga, pilates, and dance classes offered--in addition to access to the wall. but, the membership fee is a hunk-o-change, and i can only really justify it if i go 4 or 5 times per week. which i can't do. not until after april at least. *sigh*
i miss the rock.
(sidenote: while looking for the sports center, ethan and i accidentally wandered into the law and order casting building! apparently the set for the shows are right there, adjacent to gym. so exciting! no sign of christopher meloni though, alas.)


semester deliverables (why i will be incommunicado in april):
psych aspects: annotated bibliography, 10-page paper on semco
org dynamics: 15-20 page paper on accenture, final exam
group dynamics: 8-page paper on intergroup dynamics, 5-7 page paper on projective identification, conference, 3-page paper on conference.
adv functions: business plan, power point, business law exam
startingbloc: memo, conference, power point
critical thinking/critical theory: 5-page paper


blog name: i know this is going to keep me up at nights. suggestions are welcome.


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