Friday, March 31, 2006

twixt and shout!

did anyone else read lev grossman's article in time magazine, entitled "grow up? NOT SO FAST!" (jan 24, 2005)? paul sent it to me last year with the ominous note: "this is about us." translation: this article is about people who are putting off adult responsibilities, mortgages, and marriage, while taking time to figure out their life path. last night's post on the decline of black marriages made me think about it, and i looked it up again this morning and gave it a thorough perusal (notice the correct usage of the word peruse, as in "careful examination" and not "quick skim").

the twixter meme is fascinating, particularly since i have many first- and second-hand experiences to draw from. once finals are over i will revisit this... though, i will throw out there that the commodification of the bachelor degree might have something to do with people postponing adulthood. more to come!

ps. if you want to peruse the article as well, holla, and i'll send it to you via email. (i hope i didn't just break any copyright laws by saying that--it would suck to get deported over this)


04.01.06 update

during climbing yesterday, i asked ethan what he thought about twixters and why they (we) exist. his response: too many options and opportunities available due to the affluence and success of the previous generation (our parents). i'm inclined to agree with him... last semester, i read a behavioral research study conducted by a columbia professor on whether or not more is less. that is, do more options translate into less satisfaction? apparently, the answer is, yes... on average, when people are presented with more options to choose from, they are less satisfied with the choice that they eventually select (if they do, in fact, select a choice). i definitely think this line of thinking is worth pursuing.

any other thoughts? i will be taking an informal survey soon


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