Tuesday, April 04, 2006

gmat: the countdown

i signed up last week. t-minus three months. my desire to go to business school waxes and wans with the inconstant moon. usually my fellowship seminars keep me bolstered about pursuing social enterprise, but the last institute at yale left me feeling... undecided. i am so excited about the field, but a little concerned that the actual application, the day-to-day, on-the-ground work will not be intrinsically satisfying. i like the big ideas, not the minutiae. can't i just write books about it like david bornstein?

it doesn't help my cause that i got a flyer in the mail today for the new york school of interior design. (uh oh, i'm twixtin'). good lord.

i'll wait until i'm more enthused to leave an impassioned post about the intersection between capitalism and social impact. stay tuned


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