Thursday, June 15, 2006


i'm sure everyone wants to know that i've switched from running 3 miles everyday to walking 6 miles everyday. my knee doth protesteth too much; it was beginning to creak and ache, and to be honest, i wasn't very good about stretching, either. while i no longer feel the wind at my feet, walking does afford me the opportunity to chat with other walkers along the reservoir. today, i befriended angelo, an 84-year old man with endearingly awful jokes, but a fine spirit. "do you think i need windshield wipers?" "i don't get it." "that's the joke, see? i'm walking! i don't need windshield wipers!" tugs at my heart strings. when he was 62, he ran pamploma with the bulls. "i can't imagine running that, even at my age!" i said in awe. he chuckled, "well, having a lot of wine in you helps." duly noted, angelo, duly noted. we chatted about japanese movies, police brutality in the middle east, and fidel castro. he did most of the talking, which suited me fine. i love listening to stories. i think i'm going to rather enjoy my new regimen.


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