Thursday, June 15, 2006

random notes.

  • i'm currently going through my annual obsession with band of brothers. not so random, because the anniversary of d-day was last week (and i've seen each episode about three times since) . what is random is jimmy fallon's cameo in the fifth episode, "crossroads," as 2nd lt. george rice (he even has a name! he's not credited as "the guy who drives up with supplies for easy company.") it's a nothing role, but it leads up to one of my favorite quotations in the whole series:

    2nd lt. george rice: looks like you guys are going to be surrounded.
    capt. dick winters: we're paratroopers, lieutenant, we're supposed to be surrounded.
    oh snap.
  • my yoga instructor, catherine, is hot. so hot that i can't even bring myself to talk to her; i just smile and nod nervously when she speaks to me. the fact that she now knows my name gets me even more flummoxed. my deep breathing turns into hyperventilating when she comes over to help me bend into downward dog. oy vey.
  • the recent new york stabbings have made headline news on, which means my parents will soon commence calling me every night at around 9:30 to make sure i am tucked safely into bed. i will be advised to not enter central park at any hour (my parents already think its a killing field, thanks to endless episodes of law and order), and that i should refrain from taking the subway. i will add "getting stabbed" to the long list of "things that will piss mom and dad off if it happens to me." other things on the list include: "falling in the subway tracks" and "getting mugged" because my parents have warned me endlessly about these things. they are already annoyed that i am sick.
  • on friday, i will help caroline celebrate her birthday again, this time in brooklyn. imagine my disappointment when i realized we were not going pole dancing: "no, we're going to a polish bar. they play top-40 hits." oh well. incidentally, uncle ming's in the east village is a great place to dance around poles. i've heard.


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