Thursday, June 15, 2006

pro cra sti nat ing (a quiz!)

wow, i haven't needed a procrastinating post in a long time. but, today, just for kicks, i thought i'd answer one of those quizzes my cousins post on myspace and friendster. filipinos love quizzes!


three names you go by:

three screennames you have:
kmarigom (that's all)

three things you like about yourself:
i'll try most things once, if not twice for good measure
i can spend hour upon hours entertaining myself, without ever feeling lonely.
i can usually find some common ground with most anybody

three things you dislike about yourself:
i take on too many projects at one time
i don't stay mad, even when i should. one person's "laidback" is another's "doormat."
i can justify procrastination, impulsiveness, forgiveness, love, etc. you name it, i could probably justify it.

parts of your heritage:

three things that scare you:
rats (i just had a dream about them!)
being stuck in a job that i hate
unprotected sex

three of your everyday essentials:
jersey cotton
comfortable shoes

three things you are wearing right now:
sports bra
(okay, i put two out of the three on, just so i could answer this question)

three of your favorite songs (at the moment):
space city
somewhere only we know (not related to the fact that its on the lake house soundtrack)

three things you want to try in the next 12 months:
buying something other than a tanktop

three things you want in a relationship:
trust and independence (these go hand-in-hand)
emotional, intellectual, and physical connection
adventures and laughter
(i want a lot of things from a relationship. sue me.)

two truths and a lie:
i have the questionable honor of being the only person to ever lip-sync in carnegie hall (that i know of)).
i hold an american passport with lots of stamps from exotic locales like saudi arabia, indonesia, and the philippines.
i don't like ice cream.

three physical aspects you find attractive:
green eyes
smell (is this physical? if not, then strong jaw would be my final answer)

three things you just can't do:
touch my toes
eat raw meat/fish
be in an open relationship

three of your favorite hobbies:
the blogosphere
walking/exploring new york

three careers you're considering:
green capitalist
process consultant
existential detective

three places you want to go on vacation:
middle earth

three kids' names:

three things you want to do before you die:
find true love
find my life's true calling
live completely in the moment

three people who I'd like to see take this quiz:
bo dirty


shit. i thought this would take ten minutes... it took forty-five!!


Blogger me said...

somewhere only we know? I LOVE that song. When I'm walking & listening to it on my pod I air-piano it.

12:55 PM  

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