Tuesday, April 18, 2006


after a demoralizing .7 mile run yesterday, i am back in the game with another 3 miles under my belt. i think i might have been able to run a little longer, but the anxiety of getting back to my papers kept me from starting that last loop. here are some thoughts and best practices:

  • eat meat: i've been kind of vegetarian lately, but i've found that a good hearty meal of meat the night before really keeps me fueled for my run the next day.
  • warm-up and then stretch on the track: usually i stretch at home, jog to the track, the start running. today, i stretched a little a home and then stretched again when i got to the track. makes a whole world of difference
  • take it down a notch: i've notice that i'm able to keep my pace better if i run just a wee bit slower than i'd like to be running. i keep reminding myself that i need to build up my endurance first, and i'll start timing myself later
  • music: usually i pay no mind to my repertoire and just shuffle, but my runs seem to be more successful when i'm playing hip-hop. in particular, tupac's changes and 50's in da club keep me at a good pace.
  • water: i'm pretty good about this.
  • sunscreen: i think i need to start wearing some. it's getting deliciously hot out there, and i'm concerned i'll get burned. also, i'm beginning to get a weird sportsbra tan. oy.
  • shoes: i've had my new balance kicks for the last three years. i love them, but they are definitely past their prime. the last time i went to a new balance store, though, they had upgraded the model, and the feel wasn't as spectacular as my old pair. but, i'm definitely going to have to trade up by mid-summer... not looking forward to it.
  • allergies: incredibly, i've been in central park almost every day this past week, and i have yet to be incapacitated by allergies. usually around this time of the year, i'm a snotty, unbearable mess, and drugged with prescription strength antihistimine. hm. (knock on wood). maybe i've outgrown it? here's to hoping!

back to the grind.


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