Sunday, April 16, 2006

happy easter.

another lovely sunday courtesy of elie gadlin. (can i just say, i enjoy it tremendously when he is single, and i am single, and we can be single together.) a delightful brunch at french roast followed by a excursion through central park.


paul, you'll love this. my waiter at french roast said that there was something "so californian" about me. i will assume that he meant it as a complement.


called my parents this morning to wish them happy easter and to lament about the lack of relatives on the east coast with whom i might celebrate. my father suggested treating myself to some fancy godiva chocolates. i told him i would spend the afternoon hiding easter eggs in my apartment (i think my facetiousness is frequently lost on him... alas). before we said goodbye, he asked, brightly, almost hopefully: "so, is someone with you?" mind you, i had just informed him a few minutes before that i had just gotten up.


i'm kind of flattered, but also slightly mortified that my dad thinks i'm a more of a playa than i actually am. although i do occasionally volunteer information (tastefully editted, of course), it's a little jarring to have them solicit some dish... particularly about something as scandalous as a one-night stand. i usually revert back to being 16 and whine: "DaaaaaaAAaaD!!" followed by the rhetorical question: "do you think i have time for a boyfriend right now?" i get the sense that they are looking at their biological clocks, wondering... "when are the grandkids gonna get here?" (if kaye is around, i make sure to remind them that she is dating someone, and is therefore, better positioned to be a baby-maker than i am... she just loves that!)

from my conversations with friends this week, this a widespread phenomenon. apparently, spring brings out the grandparental pangs in even the most level-headed parent. everyone's getting the third degree.

update: overheard on gtalk

paul will kill me, but this was too cute not to post as an addendum:

Paul: "I love being single with elie" "Hes so cute i love him. la dee da. Paul who?" grrr
me: hahahaha.
Paul: haha
me: i'm sorry! but i need a local faux boyfriend.

the merits of a faux boyfriend/girlfriend will be discussed in a later post.


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