Friday, April 14, 2006

happy pesach.

i celebrated second seder with elie's family last night, which is absolutely fitting for my first seder ever, since elie is largely responsible for my interest in judaism. the evening was sublime: not only are the gadlins warm, open, and light-hearted, during the seder they would often stop to discuss the text and its implications--all of the gadlins are veritable judaic scholars (elie, himself, was in yeshiva in israel for two years, before attending yeshiva university here in the city). i felt really honored to be welcome in their home.


i learned last night that the mitzvah, or commandment, for pesach is to teach the children the story of the exodus. that's why the youngest child does the reading, and also why the afikomen is hidden - to keep the kids engaged and participating.

the gadlins have discriminating taste in wine and merriment. i barely made it home at 2am this morning.

they also had an incredible homemade haroseth. *drool*

i think that thimble of slivovitz (plum brandy) i had really pushed me over the edge.

next year in jerusalem? or west bloomfield, michigan?


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