Wednesday, April 19, 2006


thank you, paul, for sending me this delightful piece on tom cruise eating his baby's placenta. (when i encounter something truly disturbing, i like to spread the word and start a support group). it is now official that he has gone off the deep end... not that i paid him much mind before, but he's become kind of incoherent:

Last week Cruise backtracked on previous comments that Holmes would not be allowed to scream during childbirth.

"It's basically just respecting the mother and helping to be quiet. Not the mother," the actor told chat show host Diane Sawyer.

eh? anyone else confused?

on a completely unrelated note, i noticed that they've started advertising mission impossible three on tv... my my. what a coincidence.


in a wonderful game of chinese whispers via the internet, i heard from paul who heard from aja who heard from us weekly that there really is no baby. i think this matter will be settled in a few months, so i'm not worried. though, having worked at us weekly, i will say that they are pretty good about not making totally outlandish claims... the plot thickens.


i really am in the middle of finals. honest.

update: well, i guess the baby thing's real. huh.


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