Thursday, September 07, 2006


so what's going on with me? i know you're all at the edge of your seat waiting for my next post. hold on to your seat, here i go!

fresh meat: school has started and we're the big kids on campus! sweet. just got back from the consulting club's bbq and there are some cute newbies in the house. unfortunately, i have a "no interdepartmental" dating policy. but its always fun to browse.

michigan v. columbia: before there was new york, there was ann arbor... which is a major, major selling point for the ross school of business. so huge, that i was thisclose to scrapping my original plans to apply to columbia early. i wanted to have the option of going to michigan if i got in. luckily, cooler heads prevailed and the bottom line is: i just need to get in somewhere (anywhere) and i'll be happy.

gmat: i got a solid, though not exceptional score. but now i know what i need to work on, and i'll be retaking the test september 29th... until then, quantitative problem sets until i turn blue!

school: classes started yesterday, and i have a pretty good schedule. got all the classes i want and then some. fundamentals of conflict resolution... how adults learn... strategy development as a learning process in organizations... workplace learning institute (two seminars)... and, lastly, transformative learning (my online class). i love the online class format, because, well, i'm a web junkie and a night owl. also, the blogosphere has been very very quiet of late and i need something else to check on obsessively.

comedy of errors: that's dating in new york for you. here's the update: despite the fact that the boy and i only went on two dates, i left my zoolander dvd at his apartment, which now has to be returned to me via a mutual friend. i feel like i'm on divorce court or something. actually, i can honestly say, without hubris, that the whole thing could be an episode of grey's anatomy. speaking of which... only two more weeks... yay!!!

paul: is coming to nyc for the weekend! yay!

work: a deadline looms in the distance. why do i feel like i have three full time jobs? wait, its because i do! i hate my propensity to bite off more than i can chew. but, work is exciting as i'm creating benchmarks for our community investment index and the work is substantive and analytical. i miss the summertime. *sigh*

disclaimer: if i am m.i.a. in the next few weeks, apologies in advance. but even though i don't pick up the phone or write you back an email, or answer the door when your ring the bell, you'll always find a little sumthin sumthin here at the cheeky monkey.


Blogger me said...

are you coming to va so we can discuss at length your mini-drama?

2:54 PM  

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