Thursday, June 22, 2006

buying time.

i just spent $50 to buy myself an extra month to study for the gmats. yes, folks, i've made an executive decision and postponed my exam. i will now be at the testing center on monday, august 14, instead of 2.5 weeks from today. could possibly be the best $50 ever spent, especially since i was able to get a 5:30pm testing time (as opposed to the original 9:00am slot, which would have been brutal). between being sick last week, projects at work, yoga, and just general frivolity, gmat studying was not getting done. and i wasn't too panicked until last night, when i was struggling with ratios. and math was supposed to be the easy part of the exam. *eep* a great weight has been lifted off of my smokin' deltoids... and i can actually, guiltlessly enjoy my summer in the city. ah.


Blogger cheeky monkey said...

i thought you might back me on this. i figured spending the $50 and studying for another month was better than taking the test, and then having to retake it in a month. cost-benefit analysis, yo. (can you tell i miss economics?)

9:31 AM  

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