Friday, July 07, 2006


translation: f*ck-mother-f*cker-f*ck-sh*t!!! while getting ready for work this morning i stubbed my toe on one of my 8 pound dumbbells. i heard a crack when it happened and swore like a pirate with tourettes. the trip to CVS to pick up athletic tape took about 15 minutes longer than usual and hurt like a mofo. when i took off my shoes, the toe was a deepening shade of black-purple--like a rotting grape. travelling with a foot injury is going to be some fun, i'm telling you. walking in a wedding in one week is going to spectacular. and the evening of jazz i have planned for tomorrow better not involve any dancing, because i will probably be hobbling on elie's pimping geriatric cane.

the good news, and this is for aja, is that, while browsing the first aid for foot injuries section of CVS, i spied those shin splint thingamajigs that you wrap around your leg, right under your knee. maybe your days as a marathoner aren't over after all.


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